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Contact information for questions about the organization of the course

For information about the content of the lectures, see this page.

Weekly exercise sheets

(exercises and model solutions accessible via the folder link sent to participants)

  1. Sheet 1 (outer measure)

  2. Sheet 2 (metric outer measures)

  3. Sheet 3 (Hausdorff measures)

  4. Sheet 4 (abstract measure spaces)

  5. Sheet 5 (integration theory)

  6. Sheet 6 (L^p spaces)


Information about the homework


  • There will be six exercise sheets with homework problems.

  • There are two types of homework problems:

  1. Most homework problems will be discussed in the weekly exercise sessions ("demo"). At the beginning of the session, students mark the problems they have solved. Then they are asked to discuss in a small group one of the problems they have solved and finally present the solution to the others at the blackboard. Students may also be asked to directly present one of their solutions.                                                                         By default, solutions for "demo" problems do NOT have to be handed in. Students unable to attend the exercise sessions can however submit written solutions for the "demo" problems.

  2. A few homework problems will not be discussed in the demo. Points for those can only be obtained by submitting carefully prepared written solutions ("hand in").

  • The total number of points for homework problems is obtained by adding points from the "demo" and "hand in" solutions.

  • Written solutions have to be submitted to the course assistant by the beginning of the demo session in which the corresponding exercise sheet is discussed. By default, solutions are submitted in person, but they can also be sent by email (contact information).

 Information about the course exam

  • The solution of at least 30% of all the homework problems is required for passing the course exam.

  • A percentage "T" of solved homework problems (T at least 30) yields [(2/30)*T-1] extra points in the course exam.

  • The maximal number of points available in the course exam is 30 points. 

  • Passing the course requires altogether 15 points in the course exam (incl. extra points).

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