Measure and Integration Theory 2 (MATS112)
For official information, see also the course page on SISU.
Lecture: Thursdays and Fridays, 10:15-12:00 (MaD 381)
Start: Thursday, October 27, 2022
Exercises: Fridays, 8:30-10:00 (MaD 380), or Fridays, 12:15-14:00 (MaD 381)
Start: Friday, November 4, 2022
Course lecturer: Katrin Fässler
Course assistant: Ivan Violo
Credit points: 4
There are two alternative ways of passing the course:
1. Homework and course exam
(first exam date: December 14, 2022; second exam date: January 20, 2023).
There will be six exercise sheets with homework problems. To pass the course exam, it is necessary that at least 30% of all the homework problems have been solved and these solved problems then yield extra points in the course exam.
More information and the exercise sheets are posted here.
2. Final exam
(next exam date: March 10, 2023).
The course can also be passed by taking a final exam. Homework solutions are not required to participate in the final exam, but neither can they be used to gain extra points!
Language: Lectures are in English, exercises and exam can be solved in English or Finnish.
Here you can find a small English-Finnish measure and integration theory glossary.
Lecture material
[L] J. Lehrbäck: Mitta- ja integraaliteoria
Handwritten notes in English are posted here below. They follow closely the (Finnish) lecture notes by J. Lehrbäck and by T. Kilpeläinen.
I. General measure theory - Yleistä mittateoriaa
Metric outer measures - Metriset ulkomitat [L, 13] (notes1, notes2)
Hausdorff measures - Hausdorffin mitat [L, 13] (notes1, notes2)
Abstract measure spaces - Abstraktit mitta-avaruudet [L, 11] (notes1, notes2)
II. General integration theory - Yleistä integraaliteoriaa
Integration theory (incl. absolute continuity) - Integraaliteoriaa [L, 14, 15] (notes1, notes2)
Fubini's theorem - Fubinin lause [L, 10.1, 17] (notes1, notes2)
Summary (notes)
Additional literature
Tero Kilpeläinen: Mitta- ja integraaliteoria (chapters 10-14)
Andrew M. Bruckner, Judith B. Bruckner & Brian S. Thomson: Real Analysis
Avner Friedman: Foundations of Modern Analysis
Terence Tao: An Introduction to Measure Theory (free preprint version available online)
Elias M. Stein & Rami Shakarchi: Real Analysis
Juha Kinnunen: Measure and Integral, lecture notes, Aalto University