Measure and Integration Theory 2 (MATS112 )
Lecture: Thursdays and Fridays, 10:15-12:00,
remote teaching: Zoom
Start: Thursday, October 29, 2020
Exercises: Thursdays, 14:15-16:00, or Fridays, 8:15-10:00
remote teaching: Zoom
Start: Thursday, November 4, 2020
Registered participants have received the Zoom link via email, and it can also be found on Koppa. Please contact the lecturer if you would like to follow the course, but do not have access to the Zoom link.
Credit points: 4
Introduction (See these notes)
I. General measure theory - Yleistä mittateoriaa
Outer measure - Ulkomitta [K, 11], [L, 12]
Metric outer measures - Metriset ulkomitat [K, 12], [L, 13]
Hausdorff measures - Hausdorffin mitat [K, 12], [L, 13]
Abstract measure spaces - Abstraktit mitta-avaruudet [K, 13], [L, 11]
II. General integration theory - Yleistä integraaliteoriaa
Integration theory - Integraaliteoriaa [K, 14], [L, 14]
L^p spaces - L^p-avaruudet [K, 10], [L, 16]
Absolute continuity - Absoluuttinen jatkuvuus [L, 15, 17]
Study materials
[K] T. Kilpeläinen: Mitta- ja integraaliteoria (chapters 10-14)
[L] J. Lehrbäck: Mitta- ja integraaliteoria
Additional literature
Andrew M. Bruckner, Judith B. Bruckner & Brian S. Thomson: Real Analysis, 2008,
Avner Friedman: Foundations of Modern Analysis.
Terence Tao: An Introduction to Measure Theory
Elias M. Stein & Rami Shakarchi: Real Analysis.